I hoped the 20ies would have been more glamorous than being stuck, self-quarantined, at home because of Coronavirus.
Started a new job at the beginning of January, it kept me pretty busy, so I’ve had much less time to “look at nice things online”, hence the long hiatus.
I’m slightly obsessed with maps (this beauty hangs in my living room) and had a go Anvaka’s City Roads. It draws each road from city maps extracted from OSM. Results can be exported in raster or vector format to play with.
London Vs Rome:

Exercise Book Archive – an ever-growing collection
of old exercise books from all over the world.
Now, a few play things that will make your GPU/eGPU happy:
david.li – (awesome) experiments in WebGL.
Code from the projects on GitHub too!
This is his particle simulation in action:
Particle Love by Edward Kwan, of Lusion Studio.
Also, in other news, following the recent injection of capital, the guys at ReMarkable unveiled the new version of their tablet, that seems to fix a few shortcomings of the original version (battery life, cpu speed) and made it look sleek too: https://remarkable.com/
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